A Guide in Picking The Best WordPress Host

According to Google’s Best Practices, a website should load in 3 seconds or less. Any longer, and visitors may click away from growing impatient. According to research, a 9-second increase in page load time increases mobile bounce rate by 123%. Now that we know that, it’s more important than ever to optimize your website.

This starts from the ground up when choosing your hosting provider. What’s more, it has never been more important than now to have a well-functioning website for your business. Here are a few ways you can give your website a boost in curb appeal.

The Types of WordPress Hosts

WordPress is the most popular open-source content management system available. With that comes many types of hosting.

Shared Hosting allows multiple websites to be stored and run on one server. This is done using the shared server resources, such as CPU and RAM. In contrast, Dedicated Server Hosting stores each site on its own server. In this type of hosting, site owners and administrators are able to control all aspects of their hosting.

With Cloud Hosting, resources are spread across multiple servers so that applications can use combined computing resources. However, the most complex form of WordPress hosting is Managed WordPress Hosting.

Managed WordPress Hosting is a concierge hosting service where all technical aspects of WordPress (speed, security, WordPress updates, daily backups, website uptime, scalability) are managed by the host.

Technical aspects are so important because they speed up your website. As mentioned before, speeding up your website can improve your user experience. However, this isn’t the only benefit of a zippy landing page. High load speeds can increase your domain’s conversion rates, as well as improve its search ranking.

The Key Factors Contributing To Speed

site speed

External scripts are a primary influencer of reduced site speed. Removing ads, font leaders, and similar external scripts may help your site load faster. Furthermore, bad plugins – such as fragmented codes or expired plugins – can do a great amount of damage to the speed of your website. To prevent this, make sure your plugins are properly installed and optimized.

Also contributing to speed is how your WordPress website has been configured. For example, pages failing out to cache can go on to overload your servers. This may ultimately cause your website to run slow – or crash completely.

Similarly, page size can show effects on the speed of your website. Any busy, overcrowded pages – or pages with too many elements – are more prone to load slowly. As a precaution, remove any extra fat from your landing pages.

Finally, you’ll want to assess your web host itself. Generally speaking, shared hosting is optimal for allowing others to consume the resources your site needs.

Choosing The Right WordPress Host

As a rule of thumb, the key to a quick-loading WordPress website is to find the right host. To do so, you’ll first need to pinpoint the needs of your website. Every host will offer different features, so making a list of what your website needs will help you sort through the hay. However, there are a few basic features that every WordPress host should offer to keep your eye peeled out for.

For example, pre-installed WordPress software. This way, you can administrate your website regardless of the device. Additionally, automatic nightly backups are a common feature most WordPress hosts should offer, as well as automatic updates for WordPress. Other features to keep an eye out for are 24/7 security and tech support, expert support, and web services built specifically for websites hosted on WordPress.

In your search for a host, you’ll also want to compare the prices offered by each various provider, as well as take advantage of any free trial periods offered. This way, you can try the host out for a spin.

More commonly unbeknownst, but not to be confused with features, WordPress hosts typically offer many services. When you’re down your options, compare the subscription price in correspondence to the services the host is offering.

Examples of WordPress services include hardware and software setup and configuration, hardware maintenance and replacement, software patching (and updates), and technical support and monitoring. Services such as these can be helpful all around the board. In this day and age, it’s not only important to have an optimally running website, but also a secure one.

The Host of Your Choice

choosing the best wordpress hosting

At this point, you should have all you need to make a decision on a WordPress host. Once you’ve done so, as well as configured your plugins and themes, give your site a few speed tests. IsItWP, Pingdom, Google PageSpeed Insights, and Time To First Byte, to name a few, provide reliable results. Additionally, the quiz on WordPress Beginner can help you pick the best WordPress host.

Tip: Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to produce faster-loading images, and consider using AMP to optimize your mobile experience.

Websites are the new real estate. Has your site found a home?

Please include attribution to WPBeginner.com with this graphic.

How to Choose the Best WordPress Hosting in 2020

This post appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


4 Ways Some People Cope Better Than Others

Ever wonder why some people seem to take things in stride no matter how tough it all gets? These people seem to bounce back from every setback and weather all the storms with what appears to be complete calm and poise.

We all experience hardships in life. Whether it’s loss of a job, divorce, illness, death of a loved one, or a myriad of other unfortunate circumstances – bad things happen to everyone. But some people just seem to be better equipped for handling them. As it turns out, they probably are.

Contributors To Successful Coping

Although temperament and a predisposition to embrace coping mechanisms have a basis in biology and personality, that’s not the whole story. While these play a role in a person’s resilience, it’s really only a small part of the equation. People aren’t born with an innate expert ability to handle stress, it’s something that’s learned and cultivated through the experiences they’ve had in their lives.

The largest contributor to developing effective coping is life experiences, both those in childhood and adulthood. These experiences provide an opportunity for each of us to choose to learn the skills necessary to become resilient. This doesn’t mean a person has to experience trauma and hardship as a child (although they may have), but rather maybe was shown by a trusted adult how to bend but not break when things become difficult.

The same learning can occur as an adult as well. Of course, not all people who are able to successfully cope with stress and trauma have had the benefit of how to do so modeled for them. Some have had to discover these things on their own.

Everyone has encountered stressful events throughout their lives, some more difficult than others. With this comes the opportunity to discover the best ways to cope. While some people may naturally embrace coping mechanisms more fully than others, it’s the experience of stressful circumstances that allow every one of us the chance to learn the practices that foster resilience. Consequently, this gives us the ability to handle things and move on more effectively.

Among the most common and useful things that active copers do are the following:

Cultivate a social support system

support group

Having people around you that you trust, care about, and care about you is crucial to effective coping. In fact, it seems to be one of the most important factors when it comes to handling stressful or traumatic situations in the healthiest manner.

When stressed or in crisis, it’s the people you trust and love that can often provide a sounding board and perspective that help keep you grounded. They can also limit the tendency to isolate, which can be a common response for some when dealing with difficult circumstances.

Actively problem solve

The most resilient people are also active problem solvers. When things are tough, they automatically think, “How can I fix this?” and begin looking for solutions to their situation.

Recognize and accept help when needed

The world doesn’t rest on one person’s shoulders alone. Effectively coping with difficulty means knowing when you need help and accepting the help when given. This can be difficult for people who have trust issues and struggle with personal relationships. It can also be extremely difficult for those who feel isolated and possibly responsible for their own unhappiness.

Look for larger context

coping with stress

I knew a man once who, in the face of any difficulty, would say, “Well, they can’t kill me.” In this way he was looking at the larger picture of his own circumstances – things may be tough, but he’ll survive. People who cope well can generally put their situation in perspective and calm themselves by seeing things in a greater context. One common way people do this is through religion.

There are many other practices that effective copers do, but these are some of the most reliable.

Not All Things Can Be Solved

Probably the biggest secret of those who handle stressful situations well is their understanding that not everything can be fixed. We put a great deal of emphasis on working through things, dissecting them, fixing them, and agreeing on what to do next. The truth is that not all problems can be solved, some just have to be accepted.

Being able to get past things rather than fixing them (or fixating on them) is a difficult ability to cultivate, and it’s a slippery slope. It can be easily confused with the desire to ignore a problem or put your head in the sand when what you need to be doing is facing things head on. That being said, understanding the difference between what you have the ability to fix (or control) and what you need to accept and move past can be a very useful skill when it comes to coping.

If you are struggling with something and finding it difficult to cope, you’re not alone. The skills it takes to do this effectively take practice and sometimes coaching. If you find yourself in need of help then refer to point three above – recognize your need for help and seek it. If your social support system isn’t providing what you need, counseling with a professional who is experienced with your particular issue can be a great alternative.

The post 4 Ways Some People Cope Better Than Others appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


The Top Reasons Why Employees Leave Their Jobs

People quit their jobs for a lot of reasons. They may do it because they are relocating to a new place or they simply want to change careers.

According to a Mercer study, a whopping one-third of all the new employees plan on just quitting their job in the next 12 months. This is a huge number and is astronomically way higher than our parents’ or grandparents’ time. The culture, work environment, relationship with co-workers all affect why you do not want to pursue that job anymore.

To sum it up, here are the top reasons why employees leave their jobs.

No Work-Life Balance

According to a Washington Post contributor, she knew she would quit the job and two months later, she left it.

But what drove people to resign from their positions?

It is because they have no work-life balance. When you have your family responsibilities and you want to keep doing the job, then you need to have some work-life balance. Without it, everything spirals and you have no option but to prioritize your responsibilities over your job.

Too Much Work Pressure Or No Work

reasons why employees leave their jobs

A lot of employees keep quitting their jobs because there is so much pressure at work or there is no work at all. Thus, the level of capability and productivity can fluctuate. Before you know it, you’re already planning to quit.

It is just tougher to go forward when you hit a roadblock. You can’t do anything but experience burnout. Going through ultimate boredom or an extremely toxic environment can be enough to make you quit.

No Promotion for a Long Time

One of the main reasons why people quit is when they do not have any mobility upward.

When there are no opportunities for growth or advancement into higher-paying positions, some people do not find any point in staying and working for a company any longer.

Poor Management at Work

When you are working in a coveted project in a company, you need to have a great manager who is excellent in communications. Managers need to be an expert in communication and also interpersonal skills.

Unfortunately, there are still a lot of managers out there who aren’t trained enough to solve managerial level problems. No explicit communication and lots of expectations can leave both the employee and employer unhappy with how things shape up in the work environment.

Toxic Environment at Work

When you are looking at how not to lose good employees as an employer, maybe you need to check the kind of environment you are building up for the employees. The situation becomes too toxic when there are:

  • Interpersonal conflicts
  • Too much of office gossip
  • No positive encouragement from the team leads
  • Recognition-grabbing co-workers who haven’t put enough hard work

These things can make good employees stop caring. They leave to find a better place to grow and work. Hence, as an employer, try to make the environment much more positive and have a few flexible options without being too penalized.

Improper System of Rewards

If you have done the management program, you know that employees look for some motivation to work productively. This is why there should be paid holiday leaves, raises or bonuses.

When you notice that employees are leaving in waves, then check up on the reward system you have in place. Perhaps one of the main reasons  why employees quit their job is because there isn’t enough motivation to make them work in a way that is effective and productive.

Benefits that Don’t Benefit!

top reason why employees leave their jobs

If you are offering stingy benefits to bloat the package, then it won’t help. Employees know what they deserve, like the right health insurance, generous sick days, flexible hours of work, and maternity and paternity paid leave.

Change in Career Goals and Growth

One of the reasons why great employees quit is because they have to change their career goals. If they find that one career is not fulfilling, they will look for other opportunities.

There are different ways you can convince them to stay and that is to help them improve their skills. This works well in high-performing individuals.


These are the top reasons why employees leave their jobs. As the famous billionaire said, if you pay peanuts, you will get monkeys. As an employer, try and improve your relationship with your employees. Remember to support and respect their needs and work.

Reward and give recognition to the ones who perform well or take a day out with all of them to enjoy!



Do you believe the earth is heating up and that our climate has changed for the worse in the last few decades?

Do you believe the earth is heating up and that our climate has changed for the worse in the last few decades? Do you believe our grandchildren will live in a worse climate than we do and that climatic variation is one of the causes of extinction of several species?

As humans, do you believe we have contributed to these climatic changes?

If your answer to one or more of the questions above is ‘No’, then you are probably experiencing climate crisis denial.

Scientists overwhelmingly agree that the climate crisis is no longer a distant problem. It is approaching and increasing in pace. Then, why aren’t people talking about it as much as most of the personal, professional or political problems? Why is there as much indifference and ignorance about the climate crisis that some call it a ‘hoax’?

We have all heard about the vulnerability of the polar bear, the melting Arctic, and the ozone depletion. Why is there still disagreement on the climate crisis?

It’s time that we start confronting climate change.

Climate Crisis Is a Test of Phenotypic Plasticity

Most living species have evolved through rigorous adaptation. A phenotype refers to observable traits or characteristics of a living organism. The term ‘phenotypic plasticity’ is simply the flexibility to change phenotypes in response to variation in external conditions.

Studies have shown that living organisms that were phenotypically plastic could survive and adapt to intense climatic changes. Organisms that were phenotypically inflexible eventually ceased to exist.

There is a growing amount of debate to theorize the role of phenotypic plasticity in natural selection which is considered to be a basic mechanism of evolution. For example, humans in the present time are taller than humans of the past. The difference is believed to be a result of the change in diet that we have undergone. Diet is an external, non-genetic factor.

Climatic change will test the phenotypic plasticity of all species, including humans.

Finite Thinking – The Pool of Worry

climate crisis

Environmental researchers Patricia Linville and Gregory Fischer coined the term “Pool of Worry” to explain why we consciously avoid talking about climate change. Human brains have tons of mundane worries that can be clubbed under S-I-P (Sudden, Immediate, Personal) thoughts.

For example, a temporary financial loss is likely to cause us more grief than a degree rise in temperature. We are unwilling to spend our mental energy on something that we cannot see or feel immediately.

The consequences of climate change unfold gradually and we cannot perceive the cumulative impact all at once. Most of us cannot begin to imagine the consequence of this crisis and prefer to keep the thought of it away from our consciousness.

The Crisis Denial

Humans tend to huddle in their comfort zone and the consequences of climate crisis is a direct threat to that. Thinking along the lines of how we are responsible for greenhouse emissions can evoke intense feelings of guilt, shame, fear, and anxiety. These are the feelings we deliberately try to avoid.

Confronting a crisis of this nature can trigger defense mechanisms like denial, displacement, and rationalization that make us either indifferent or deny responsibility. The California University Laboratory on Climate Crisis has found that simply accepting the responsibility of our everyday actions like using plastic bags, eating more red meat, or using aerosol sprays, can make us up to 50% more willing to step up and take action.

The Lack of Awareness

There is evidence that the amount of greenhouse gases such as methane and carbon dioxide (CO2) that we let out in the atmosphere is a major contributing factor to the climate change. The cumulative effect of these gases emitted by human activity is massive. We lack awareness or choose to ignore such actions that are ingrained in our lifestyles.

Beef consumption, for instance, has increased more than three times in the last three decades and uses 40% of farmlands across the US. The cattle reared for the food industry are provided with heavy meals that make them burp methane regularly and on a large scale.

A cow, on overage, releases roughly 100 kg of methane per year. The negative impact of a single molecule of methane on the climate is around 23 times higher than a molecule of CO2. The impact of emitting 100 kg of methane is then equivalent to the impact of emitting 2,300 kg of CO2 per year. They are both equivalent to burning 1,000 liters of petrol that can be used to drive roughly 12,500 km.

Confirmation Bias

Have you heard people argue that there is not enough proof of the climate crisis?

Peter Wilson, a pioneer in the field of cognitive dissonance, said that we develop confirmation bias since we are terrified to tolerate the cost of being off-base. We, as social beings, are naturally inclined to seek conformity in groups – like family, colleagues, friends, or political associations.

Confirmation bias influences us to search for and highlight snippets of data that follow what the majority of people in these groups consent to. We aimlessly acknowledge what the group acknowledges and reject what it does not. If an elected representative of a group says that global warming is a gimmick, many may consent.

The fear of rejection and opposition by the group influences us to fit in with what it accepts or distrusts. Such bias distorts our cognitive balance and makes us pay less attention to available evidence in order to corroborate with the group.

The climate crisis is enormous as far as its socio-economic and moral aspect are concerned. Simply denying it may seem to make it simpler.

Be CRUEL (Conscious, Responsive, Understanding, Empathetic, Loving)

be responsive

To start confronting climate change, we must accept our responsibility for causing it. And we can do that by doing the following:

Conscious of actions

We need to learn about the negative impacts of our actions on the climate and consciously choose to develop environment-friendly habits. This includes using renewable energy resources.

Responsive to the climatic changes

We need to be active in activities that promote safeguarding the environment. Go and sign petitions, join campaigns, and raise our voices to help slow down climate change.

Understand that we are causing it

This is not the time to avoid talking. Our tiny footsteps do matter in bringing about change.

Empathetic towards the environment

Empathy is the need of the hour. Let’s think of the environment as our home. Let’s react to climate change in the way we would react to damage to our houses.

We need to try to internalize the suffering climate change has caused to species of the past to realize its impact on the future. It is through empathy and understanding that we can overcome personal biases.

Loving towards nature

The greatest of all human virtues is love. Saving the environment is not a political or a social fight, but a human one. We must nurture nature with love. There is no plan(et) B.



Can Cycling Actually Change Your Health And Life?

Bikes can be life-changing machines. Although they are cheap and consume a lot of time when it comes to transportation, they can have a huge impact on your life. In fact, bikes can make you better and healthier.

If you are still thinking twice about getting your own, below are some good reasons why cycling is important.

Less money on transportation

less transportation cost

Have you ever calculated how much money you actually spend on transportation in a year?

Every month, it’s the same story — you have to spend a lot of money on public transportation. If you go to work by car, you may end up spending more.

Traveling in your bike can help you save a lot of money. You’ll be able to help protect the environment, too.

It’s good for your health

Doctors encourage all their patients to do more physical activities, regardless of their patients’ ages. Well, guess what – cycling is part of this category, too.

A half-hour ride is more than enough to burn at least 250 calories. You’ll be able to get rid of that body fat in a few weeks and you don’t even have to go to the gym!

You’ll also boost your cardiovascular health, have toned muscles, better immune system, stronger bones and better joints. You’ll even look younger. All you have to do is invest in a bike and use it daily for your transportation.

Better mood

Physical activities can boost one’s mood. Doing exercises, even with moderate intensity, can help improve your self-esteem and mood, reduce stress, and prevent depression.

More time for yourself

cycling alone time

Riding a bike will never be as fast as a car but for those who ride bikes to work and back, you can actually save more time. This is when you compare the time one needs to spend enduring heavy traffic to and from work. Finding and choosing an empty parking lot can eat a lot of your time, too.

What you have to know before buying your first bike

Those who have decided to buy their first bike should know a few important things first. Here’s a quick list:

  • Consider your budget– Decide how much money you’re willing to spend on your bike. You’ll also need to prepare extra money to invest in the right accessories, like a helmet, water bottle, and pump.
  • The style– Before you actually look for a bike online or in physical stores near you, you’ll have to think of the style that suits you best. One way you can do that is to take into account the way you intend to use your bike. Decide whether you’ll use it for work, exercising, or taking short trips downtown.
  • Look for a professional bike repair shop– Once you buy your first bike, you’ll have to take it to a workshop to have it ready. Make sure you look for a reliable and professional repair shop who can adjust the bike according to your needs and wants.

The post Can Cycling Actually Change Your Health And Life? appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


How to Become a Better Decision Maker

Making decisions isn’t that easy, particularly when it comes to major life decisions.

I know so many people that have faced these types of decisions and ended up remaining in a situation that is unfulfilling or even toxic. Not being able to know what the future holds can be daunting. It’s like you are standing in a dark forest and about to step into the unknown.

But you know what?

Sometimes, we just need a change in perspective to improve our decision making skills.

I cannot count the times that I have been confused by something only to have someone point out an obvious solution. This is because we easily lose sight when we are in the middle of a dilemma. Stress can overwhelm us to the point that we can’t see things clearly anymore.

If you are wondering how to become a better decision maker, here are a few helpful tips you can use:

Weigh the pros and cons

weigh pros and cons

Making a list is actually a useful way to get ideas sorted out in your brain.

Write down the positive aspects of doing something, and don’t forget to include the factors that required the decision in the first place. The negative aspects are also important, so write down any reason why you are feeling reluctant about taking action. Try to be honest about the consequences of acting and not taking action, too.

Think of it like managing a business.

Businesses need to take risks that can make them vulnerable at first but have a strong payout in the end. Even if the cons outweigh the pros now, keep going.

Find a someone who has the same experience

respectable comrade

Fight the urge to take the lazy route and Google a solution to the dilemma. If you do this, you are going to find a plethora of information and this is going to overwhelm you even more.

Although the right information may be helpful, real-life experience is better. So, find someone you respect and has been through the same situation you’re facing. Offer to buy him lunch or his favorite cup of coffee.

Be specific in your request so that you do not surprise the person and be honest about what you are seeking. This will give them the chance to decide if they feel comfortable sharing. If they do, they can prepare for the meeting.

Again, look at it as a business meeting. This will help you stay focused on your goal.

Before the meeting, prepare a list of questions that you need to be answered. Even if all of them are not applicable, they may lead to something valuable.

Weigh the decision against the alternative

The alternative of making the decision is not making the decision. This is where regret and intuition come into play.

First, think about how you will feel if you do not take action. Envision yourself in the future after the decision has been made or not made. Imagine the feelings associated with the decision. Then, listen to your intuition.

What does it tell you?

If you feel strongly that you would rather take action than regret not doing it, then take action. Even if the risk is great, remember that regret may be greater.

Trust yourself and think the times you’ve faced adversity. Know that you have come through those times and that you are ready to take risks again.

In Conclusion

Being faced with difficult decisions is inevitable, just like risk is inevitable in life. However, not taking risks can lead to missed opportunities and that can fill your life with regrets. Struggling with decisions is okay but not trying to grow and develop ways to face them is unacceptable.

Sometimes, we just need to take a fresh look at the situation before we can learn how to become a better decision-maker. These tips can help you with that.

The post How to Become a Better Decision Maker appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


How to Make People Listen: 7 Things You Shouldn’t Ignore

You don’t really need to be born with great public speaking skills to learn how to make people listen. In fact, it can be learned by anyone as long as he or she wishes to master it.

If you are planning to perfect your public speaking skills, here are some of the best tips you can follow:

Tone Management

public speaking tone management

Your tone is one of the best ways to get people to listen to you. It involves your vocal register as well as the range of tones you use when speaking.

In a normal conversation, try to speak from your throat. When you are speaking to an audience, you should start speaking from your chest.

Apart from your tone, you should also be conscious of your confidence when speaking. Put emphasis on words and expressions that need to be emphasized so that you can easily captivate more people.

Putting emphasis to what you are saying can also let people know that what you are saying is important. Remember that when you change pitch while speaking, it changes the meaning of what you are saying. Use it well.


Prosody refers to that pattern and rhythm people use in poetry. It’s an essential component in public speaking you shouldn’t ignore.

When you speak in a monotonous tone, it can bore your listeners. As a result, they won’t continue listening to what you are saying anymore.

Add some sort of prosody from time to time and you will captivate the audience.


public speaking pace

You cannot get people to listen to you when you are talking too fast or too slow. You have to learn the best pace for what you are saying. If you speak too quickly, you’ll send the message of excitement. When you speak too slow, you can end up making your audines feel sleepy.

Of course, you should also understand the importance of silence. Use it each time you need your audience to think about your message or when you need to give them time to catch up.


Volume is very different from your tone or pitch. Knowing when to raise or lower your voice can help build attention and get your audience excited.

Take note that it’s not enough that you know how to increase and reduce the volume of your voice. If you want to make your speech a lot more effective, you also have to know when to change your volume.

Eye Contact

Maintaining eye contact is very important as it will give you the chance to engage with your audience. Apart from that, maintaining eye contact can also make your audience feel what you’re saying.

As much as possible, try to form an eye contact with each section of your audience. It plays a huge part in getting your thoughts heard and in making sure that everyone remains attentive throughout your speech.


When you exaggerate, you insult the language you use. So, try to limit your words, particularly when you’re just pertaining to something basic and simple.

The problem with exaggeration is that it makes you prone to lying. And when you lie to impress, people will lose interest in what you’re telling them.

Do Not Judge With Your Speech

Of course, people listen when they are corrected and offered solutions to problems. When they feel like they’re judged, there’s a good chance that they’ll stop listening right away. The same thing can happen when your whole speech doesn’t deliver what the audience is expecting.

For example, if you’re aim is to offer solutions, be sure to offer them and don’t leave your audience hanging. If, at any point, they realize that your talk is not meeting their expectations, they will lose their interest and focus, and shift their attention to other things.

See Also: 7 Little-Known Ways to Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking

The post How to Make People Listen: 7 Things You Shouldn’t Ignore appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


6 Keto Diet Myths You Shouldn’t Be Suckered Into

You’ve probably heard of the Ketogenic diet but you’re too scared to give it a try with all the bad things you heard about it. It’s controversial, scary, and way too confusing for beginners to understand.

But are the rumors true?

To set the records straight and to ensure that you’re fully informed before you give it a try, here are the most popular Keto diet myths finally debunked.

Myth #1: It puts you at risk of heart diseases

heart disease

Eating a high fat Keto diet can be scary for some people. After all, too much fat is harmful to the heart, right?

Well, no.

The truth is that eating a high fat Keto diet can actually reduce your risk of heart diseases.


When you eat fewer carbohydrates and your intake of saturated fat is increased, the metabolic markers for heart disease risks improve.

Your blood glucose levels will drop which can reduce glycation and its negative effects on the body. Your triglycerides, insulin levels, and lipoprotein get reduced while your HDL cholesterol levels improve.

And you know what else?

A high fat Ketogenic diet can also provide your body with more vitamin D, selenium, copper, and magnesium which are all great for the heart.

See Also: 10 Habits That Can Prevent Heart Disease

Myth #2: You can eat all types of fat

While eating a high fat ketogenic diet won’t be that bad for the body, it doesn’t mean that you can eat any type of fat.

If you’re thinking of loading your diet with ham, sausages, and loads of fried foods, then you’re totally on the wrong track.

If you want to get the most out of this diet, consider replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fats. Think of oily fish, flaxseed, and walnuts.

You can also incorporate more extra virgin olive oil and fatty fish into your diet. Nuts are great, too.

Myth #3: You won’t have a hard time adjusting to Keto

Transitioning into ketosis can cause some uncomfortable experiences. You may have to deal with digestive issues, sleep-related problems, and fatigue during the first few weeks of changing your diet and lifestyle.

Also known as the Keto flu, those side effects are common and will typically go away after a few weeks. You can make them less uncomfortable by drinking more water and eating more foods rich in fibers and electrolytes.

This, however, shouldn’t scare you. Although Keto-flu is normal, it doesn’t mean that every person who goes on a Keto diet will have the same problems. There are people who experience way less issues during their transition.

Myth #4: It causes extreme dehydration

A ketogenic diet doesn’t have to cause dehydration if you know what to do.

Consuming less carbohydrates than usual can affect the way your body deals with water and electrolytes. This can make it easier for dehydration and electrolyte imbalance to happen.

Imagine this:

When you go on a keto diet and you cut back on your carbs, your body is forced to produce less insulin than usual. This means your glycogen stores will decrease.

As that happens, your kidneys start excreting more water. And as your body flushes out water, you lose essential electrolytes and minerals, too.

As your body loses a great amount of electrolytes, your heartbeat will become irregular, your energy becomes low, and your body temperature control becomes less effective.

So, how do you prevent those things?

Drink more water and consume a lot of teas, broths, and soups. Eat foods rich in sodium, magnesium, and potassium, too. They can help replenish your body’s lost electrolytes.

See Also: Top 5 Tips On How To Stay Hydrated

Myth #5: It’s good for your mental health

Keto diet requires a lot of discipline and commitment. Naturally, you’d think that it’s great for boosting your mental health.

The truth, however, is that Keto diet can affect the brain negatively during the new fat-burning stage. You’ll be more irritable and less focused than usual.

This is because your body and brain are starting to look for glucose which is its main source of energy. Your brain needs about 100g of carbohydrates a day to ensure your brain’s optimum function. In comparison, you can only get about 50 grams of it when you’re in Keto.

Take note that those effects are only temporary. They will pass and go away on their own but it can take weeks or months to happen.

The other side of the coin is that a lot of keto dieters rave about their newfound focus and clarity. They attribute this to the decrease of carbohydrates that the body processes.

Myth #6: Keto won’t let you exercise

walking exercise

When you’re on a Keto diet, it’s normal for your body to feel less energized during your exercise. This is because you get less carbohydrates which, like your brain, your body needs as fuel for such activities.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t exercise.

You can continue your workout routine even if you changed your diet. You just need to make sure that you’re giving your body enough calories and a lot of fat to support your routine. Don’t forget to provide ample time for recovery in between routines, too.

If you’re still having issues with being active, try a modified Ketogenic diet. It’s more flexible than going complete Keto.

You can also try taking supplements but be sure that they’re safe. Do your homework first and really get to know your options. Remember, not all Keto supplements are the same.

Try to find and study guides online, like this KetoDrive review. Use them in deciding which ones will safely meet your needs.

In Conclusion

Keto diet is effective whether you’re trying to lose weight or you just want to lower your bad cholesterol and risk of heart diseases. However, although effective, it doesn’t mean that it’ll work for you right away.

Changing your diet can affect your overall health. This means experiencing a few unwanted side effects, like less energy and mental clarity, as your body gets used to the changes.

Take note that those side effects don’t mean that Ketogenic diet is bad or that it’s not working for you. Your body just needs time to adapt your new diet. Give it a few weeks or months and your body should be able to see why many people are talking about the benefits of the keto diet.

Remember that the bottom line is always your health. You don’t need to follow or stick to a diet for the sake of being on one. Always listen to your body, make a lifestyle change of what works best for you, and don’t be afraid to make adjustments as needed.

The post 6 Keto Diet Myths You Shouldn’t Be Suckered Into appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


5 Best Tips for Back Pain Relief

Pain isn’t just a discomfort. It can also be a sign that something’s wrong with your body.

If you ignore it and if you fail to do something about it, your body can end up hurting for days, weeks, and even months. And that’s really bad for your overall health.

To help you get rid of the pain on your back, here are the best and most effective tips you can use.

Apply ice and heat

heat for back pain
Via spine-health

This works like a charm for back pain. By applying ice, you’ll be able to temporarily block the pain signals. You’ll be able to relieve swelling, too.

Now, if you don’t have an ice pack, you can use a bag of frozen corn or peas. Wrap it in a towel and lay it on the affected area for about 20 minutes. Do this several times a day.

About 48 hours after, apply moist heat to the affected area. This is to enhance blood flow and lessen those painful spasms.

Dip your towel in warm water and wring it out. Fold it and flatten it on the affected area. You can make this step a lot easier by lying on your stomach and placing pillows under your ankles and hips.

Leave the warm towel on your back for about 20 minutes and repeat three to four times a day.

Check your posture

Poor posture can put a lot of stress on your back. It increases your risk of having problems in your joints, muscles, and discs. It can even lead to the anatomical changes in your spine over time.

Improving your posture when you’re so used to being in a hunched position can take a lot of discipline and work. While you are still working on that, you can try a few exercises to reduce posture-related back pain.

For one, you can try the upper-body stretch. It’s really easy to do.

You only need to face a corner and stand with your arms raised. Put your hands flat on the wall with your elbows at the height of your shoulders.

Place one foot in front of your other foot and slowly bend your knee. While exhaling, lean your body in the direction of the wall. Keep your back and chest straight and hold the position for about 20 seconds.

Imagery can also help. Simply imagine having a line running through your body. Imagine your shoulders, knees, ankles, ears, and hips aligned with that vertical line.

Change your mattress

sleep mattress

If you’re still using a mattress with unyielding coils, it’s probably the right time to rethink your mattress. Really old, saggy beds should make you think twice, too.

You see, when your mattress is already sagging, it means that it doesn’t have adequate support anymore. It can leave your back painful and stiff in the morning.

When choosing a new mattress, it’s best to consider your sleeping position. This is to ensure that your body will have the right kind of support to relieve unnecessary pressure.

Check for the comfort it provides, too. Softer mattresses are best for people who don’t really need too much support. If you sleep on your back and your body needs a lot of support, go for firmer mattresses.

Get a bed that’s the right size for you. The last thing you want to happen is to feel cramped and crowded in your own bed.

See Also: 3 Negative Effects of Bad Mattresses You Need To Be Aware Of

Try acupuncture

acupuncture for back pain

Back pain is one of the most common reasons why people consider getting acupuncture and it’s proven to be really effective.

There are several theories on how acupuncture relieves back pain.

One is that it changes the brain chemistry by affecting the release of certain neurohormones and neurotransmitters in the brain. Those two affect nerve impulses and the activity of certain organs in your body.

Another theory involves the release of natural opioids. Acupuncture can trigger the release of your body’s natural painkillers to reduce the experience of pain.

Take note that acupuncture may not be the best solution for you if you have any implant or if you wear a pacemaker. Be sure to tell your doctor about it and any other medications you are taking to avoid negative reactions.

Pop a pill

back pain pill

If you really need a fast-acting solution or if you can’t wait for the other remedies’ effects to take place, then just pop a pill. There are several pain medications that can ease your back pain.

One of your best choices is Naproxen. It can reduce inflammation and pain in your muscles and joints. You can buy it even without a prescription.

Even though it doesn’t require a prescription, it doesn’t mean that anyone can take it. If you are allergic to anti-inflammatory medicines or if have stomach ulcers, blood clotting disorder or high blood pressure, talk to your doctor first.

In using Naproxen tablets, make sure to take it with a meal to reduce its effect on your stomach. As much as possible, take the lowest dose for the shortest period of time.

Look out for its most common side effects, like headaches, changes in vision, dizziness, and confusion. Rashes, ringing in the ears and tiredness are also common to people taking Naproxen.

In Conclusion

Pain is more than just a discomfort. It can also be a reflection of your health.

If you wait for it to go away on its own, you can end up with a lot more problems. You can lose weight, experience mood swings, and face depression and anxiety. Your mental health can suffer as well as your lifestyle and finances.

This list of tips for back pain relief is just to help you lessen the discomfort you are experiencing. It’s not meant to treat any existing health issues you are experiencing.

Remember that it’s still best to consult your doctor, get a proper diagnosis, and be given the right treatment if you want to end your back pain for good.

The post 5 Best Tips for Back Pain Relief appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


What to Write When Selling a Car Privately

You and your car have traveled a lot of miles together, but you’ve decided it’s time for a change. Selling your car online privately often brings more cash to your wallet than using it as a trade-in for a new vehicle.

But do you know what to write when selling a car privately?

Follow these tips and you can easily attract the attention of potential buyers and sell your vehicle quickly.

Include the Basics

online used car ad
Via northamericanautomotive

When writing your ad, include all the necessary information. It should include:

  • Year made and model
  • Interior and exterior color
  • Mileage
  • Engine size
  • Automatic or manual transmission
  • Fuel type and miles per gallon
  • Existing warranty information

Explain Why You are Selling

Add a personal touch to your ad by including why you purchased the vehicle in the first place and why you are selling. If your car is so worthy of purchasing, a buyer will want to know why you are selling it.

Good reasons might be that you need a bigger vehicle for your growing family or your children are getting older and bigger. Apart from your reasons, you may even include a personal story of how the car has served you and your family over the years.

Highlight the Positives

Think of anything that could add value to the vehicle and include it in the description.

You can disclose if the vehicle has never been in an accident. You should also state if you have the detailed records of all its maintenance and repairs throughout the years.

Be sure to include any modifications you’ve made that add value to your car. It can be a set of upgraded wheels, a roof rack, a trailer hitch, floor mats, a new sound system or even window tint.

Use Concise Language

Avoid overly-descriptive sentences or sentences with a lot of fluff. You should also avoid jargon.

You may appreciate the double wishbone suspension but others may just want to know if the vehicle rides smoothly on long trips.

Honesty is the Best Policy

Describe the car as honestly as possible because that’s what most buyers want when searching for a used car to purchase. Include any scratches or dings on the exterior as well as any stains on the carpet or rips in the upholstery. Note any issues you’ve had recently. It’s also a good idea to disclose if you’ve used any after-market parts on the vehicle.

Don’t try to oversell the vehicle and describe it as perfect. If you’ve been dishonest with any part of the description, then chances are they will doubt the other things you’ve said about your car.

Include Photographs

Take plenty of pictures of both the inside and the outside of the vehicle. The images should be clear and of good quality.

Excellent photos make it easy for potential buyers to imagine themselves in the driver’s seat and using the car on a regular basis. Zoom in on any imperfections or damages to show you have nothing to hide and to let potential buyers know exactly what they’re purchasing.

Provide Some Wiggle Room

Consider the amount of money you are looking to get for your vehicle and list the car on the top end of your range. Doing so lets prospective buyers know that you’re willing to negotiate its price.

Before placing your ad, know exactly how low you’re willing to let your car go for.

Review the Ad for Mistakes

review ad for mistakes

It’s not enough that you know what to write when selling a car privately. You also need to make sure you write your ad flawlessly.

Before posting your ad, read it a few times for spelling and grammar mistakes. Write the ad in a word processing program that checks for spelling. It may help to get someone else to proofread the ad to catch anything you’ve missed. An ad riddled with misspelled words and mistakes can be hard to read and may look unprofessional.

Gather as much information about your vehicle as you can and write a compelling ad that will make your car stand out. Include all essential information and anything special about the car that you feel offers value to a potential buyer.

Add a personal touch that others can relate to and use pictures that highlight your vehicle’s best side. Give potential buyers everything they need to make an informed decision to choose your vehicle over others on the market.

The post What to Write When Selling a Car Privately appeared first on Dumb Little Man.
